Daily Menu and Nutrition by Nutrislice
Nutrislice is an online tool to help you make smart healthy dining choices. Use it to:
- Display daily food options
- See how your food choices measure up nutritionally
- Screen the dining offerings for allergens
- Track your calorie intake
View Daily Menu and Nutrition Information

Meet our Nutritionist
Foundation Dining Services Nutritionist, Brenda Garcia, is a Cal Poly Pomona alumna
graduating from the Don B. Huntley College of Agriculture with an emphasis in
Food and Nutrition: Dietetics. Brenda has worked extensively with the Dining
Services team to bring students closer to reaching their nutritional goals.
Brenda works with the Dining Services culinary team to provide students with
wholesome, balanced menu options. Students may also schedule a one-on-one
session to discuss nutrition and dietary needs, including food allergies, food
options on campus, or any other concerns.
She is available to answer any questions regarding nutrition, allergens and
navigating the dining venues on campus. Feel free to email her at fdnnutrition@cpp.edu.